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Showing posts from December, 2019

Camera Man Gift

My dad is notorious for his daily workout. For Christmas, I purchased a water bottle as a component of his gift. My husband claimed this was a lame gift... so, I spiced it up a bit by adding a camera lover play on words to the exterior. "I shoot people & sometimes I cut off their heads". 🤣 Water bottle  (Amazon) Vinyl (Amazon - Currently only $6 for 12 inches by 6 feet) Silhouette Design (Free Download) (Note the above contains affiliated links, a FREEBIE. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)

Wheels on the Bus Party

My two year is obsessed with school buses. This love was amplified after attending a local bus demolition derby. (He now believes all school buses bang into each other, stating "bus, BANG!", with coordinating hand gestures indicating a collision. We'll have to retrain his psyche but I digress...) This year we hosted his bus themed party at the local library. I saw other libraries have birthday packages including story time; ours only offers a large space for a small fee. But, hey, I can play librarian story-time reader for a party! (Note the below contains some affiliated links, some FREEBIES, and other direct links to tools or service sites. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.) Party Invites: I searched online and couldn't quite find exactly what I wanted, so I created my own on Silhouette. On, I photo-shopped a picture of my son and added him to the bus on the invite. I was going to print at home but the quality was medioc...